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Today was a Browsing Day............... I went to Michaels to exchange some yarn.. Yup..
Thats what I said.. I actually Brought back some yarn that I decide not to use.... :)
Oh Sure....... Naturally I could not leave without buying some other yarn... I got some of the
Be Mine Yarn...
It is the " Softest" Yarn.. I absolutely Fell In Love

It will make a really "Soft" Baby Sweater..............
Then I wandered on Down to Garden City Stitches...
Did some " yarn fondling" and Lots of " oooooooohing and aaaaaahing...
Then settled myself down and left with just one purchase of a Baby Book....
Well.. Now I have to go and watch " So You Think You Can Dance" and then " LOST" and then I think comes " House"...
Those are all My Favorite Shows..
See ya Tomorrow!!!!!