So She kept on Knitting and Knitting and the Lacy Scarf grew to be Seven Feet Long... whew!!!
It was requested that the scarf woul wrap twice around the neck and them fall to the waiste,, And this certainly fits that Description !!!! THIS is the Pattern I used with a light DK weight yarn... I still have to Block it :)
Holy cow! SEVEN feet long! That is amazing. It looks fantastic. :)
WOW, that is long, but I bet it looks great wrapped a couple times, as it is a lightweight scarf. Did you like the pattern? I just printed it off!
WOAH!!! It IS long! You did a good job! It seems to be so soft and light!
How did you manage your little trouble with passing the stitches finally?
Isabelle aka Tricotine
wow that is a crazy amount of work!
Seven feet long! That ought to be long enough. How tall is your daughter?
Yep! That's the pattern I tried. You are awesome! I couldn't (or wouldn't) do it. Beautiful scarf. Is it for an exchange or a gift? It will be loved!
Beautifl pattern penny! I'm not that focused though!! lol! 7 feet is about 6 feet too long for me!
oooh it is beautiful, that is exactly they way i like my scarves, start at the waist wrap around the neck once or twice and end up at the waist :) perfect!
That is one long scarf for sure. Can't imagine blocking a 7' long scarf.
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