And yet Another pair of Wristwarmers.... This pair is Grey like the first pair I made..
My Daughter has a black jacket and asked for a pair..We talked about Camel color and black and grey.. I THINK she said Camel color but then I remembered that I have this beautiful grey aplaca just waiting to become a scarf.. So I thought I would make her the grey Woolease warmers and do a scarf with the grey alpaca.... :)
They look so nice and cozy...
I love them, they really look soft!!
It seems like you have caught the wrist-warmers-mania, Penny!
They all look great! :-)
wow you are really cranking these out. they are fun to make aren't they though, i liked doing the two i did earlier this fall
I really like those!
Ok i really like these is there a free pattern? I have to make my friends fingerless mittens and i REALLY like these!!!
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