So... Our Two Day Stress Test is over for this Season... Thats the Drive from Florida to New York ... Its not one of my Favorite things to do :(
I am a terrible.. nervous passenger... Ask Bob.. He'll tell you... LOL
Anyway.. I got some of what I call " STAK" done... (" Stay Awake.. Nervous.. Knitting " :)
I finished the back of Natalies purple sweater... I'll post a picture soon..
And I did some of my Lacy Baby Dress.... It is really turning out nice !
I have been working my buns off since Sunday trying to clean and dust and get things in order around here... I'm even too pooped to take pictures of my project progress...
Tomorrow..... Tomorrow...... " Its Only A Day Away" !!! :)
I guess my blood has turned into Florida temperature because I have been sooooooooooooooo COLD since we got back... I have been sleeping in my Long Flannel P.J.'s and have 4 blankets on me... When I try to roll over the blankets are so heavy!!! LOL..Bob is not as cold as I am so I guess I am just more " Fragile" :)
The weatherman is promising warmer weather on its way... Some Rain too.. But warmer :)
Friday I have a day planned with two of my Knitting Pals to go to Smileys in Jamica...
The Temptation will be overwelming I am sure but I hope to just get some Baby Yarn that I want for a few Baby things that I have planned... If I only bring a certain amoust of $$$$$ then thats all I can spend because Smileys does not take Credit Cards in the Store !! OK.. Thats My Plan then !!!!
Happy Knitting!!!