Ok So I got a little Crazy this week with the cool air blowing through the house and thought I had better get going on some things to keep us all warm...
The First is a Black Cable Alpaca hat which is just so soft that I just want to keep touching it... Don't know if I will be able to give this one up???
This is one that I made from a Wonderful Skein of yarn that my Swap Partner sent me in May..The photo does not so it justice. There are cables on the bottom half and the yarn is really so pretty and soft.. Its a handpainted yarn and I am working on a second hat with it... :)
This is The All Way Wrap from Interweave Knitting Fall 09... I had a very frustrating time getting the cable rows set up correctly.. I must have pulled it out 3 times and said.. "OK One more chance" and well then it behaved itself and did wat it was supposed to.. Thank Goodness.. I think if I have any further problems I am just going to change the Cable Part to something that I can handle safely without screaming and ranting and raving about the stupid mistakes in the pattern.. Ha Ha.. Its Always the patterns fault.. isn't it???
A Oh So Soft Scarf from My Same Swap Partner that I got a few weeks ago...The Colors are georgeous and I don't think I can give this one up either :) I am thinking this will look really nice around My Neck this Winter while taking my cool evening walk :)
Thank You Jeme for these beautiful Yarns....
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