How nice it is to have such a soft yarn knitted up into this Baby Sweater with no Lumpy seams... It makes for A Very Cozy Comfort !!
The Pattern is one line at..........
I highly reccomend this pattern...Its Easy.. Its Fun and its Perfectly Seamless !!!!
The Yarn I used is Blue Sky Organic Cotton in the color Nut... Ohhhhhhhhhhh .........What a Beautiful Soft Yarn !!!
I ordered my yarn at... I also highly reccomend... Judy is a pleasure to do business with.. Thank You Judy!!!
Looks really professional. i must look into 'all in one' garment knitting.
Just perfect. Neutral and everything. Love the little Bear Buttons( if my eyes aren't decieving me!).
I bet it IS soft and oh so sweet.
And, yes, knitting circularly is the way to go( well, I mean, seamlessly).
Wow, how obvious is it that they should have knit their sample in a solid yarn for that pattern photo? You can't really tell what's going on in theirs, yours looks SO much better! Really cute, love the buttons!
GORGEOUS! Now I can't wait to get one done for my baby!;) Thanks again Penny! You are seriously the fastest knitter I know!!!
Oh, u knit so fast. Another beautiful sweater for your grandchild, without double. I love the button, it is so cute.
You know I have had that pattern printed out for ages - but didn't get inspired until I saw yours in one colour - just goes to show you - we do get influenced by the picture!!!
It's gorgeous Penny - guess who is casting on one the next day!!
with love
I'm really sorry,but I can't agree with the other commentors about the baby sweater,and I have to say that I am pretty disappointed with it.
You make some of the most beautiful quilts and things that I have ever seen,but the colour that you chose is not something I would EVER dress my child in and the only redeeming feature is the buttons.
To Anonymous...
Well.. I'm sorry that you can not "come out of the box" and realize that babies can wear all different colors... Its such a Plain Jane way of thinking to just dress your baby in pastel colors !!!
Perhaps you need to take a trip and Browse around in The Baby Gap or The Childrens Place and see whats new in 2007 !!!
I never said anything about pastel colours at all,in fact,I put both of my girls in the richest colours possible...but this so called "nut" is a disgrace to the knitting community and to the standards that you use in your craft.
Dear "anonymous"..
I am sorry that you dislike the color so much....Gosh.. You are very opinionated but also very rude...
I would NEVER say such a comment to anyone....even if I didn't like the color..
But I guess that is why you are staying "anonymous"
Have Fun knitting in YOUR own Choice of colors and I hope you never get such a rude person to leave such a comment...
Yes I am opinionated,and actually,you were rude to me,saying that I needed to "take a trip and Browse around in The Baby Gap or The Childrens Place and see whats new in 2007 !!!"
I wont be one of these "yes" people who will say anything to keep a person happy if I don't believe it to be 100 per cent the truth.
The reason I am annonymous is because I am not joined up to google.
I am quite a happy knitter,and I have good judgement in colours,after all,I am a young mother who is up on the latest fashions!
I certainly hope that in future,your readers bother to tell you the truth!
I'm not going to bother answering because I can see that You are You and thats That!!! You could tell us who you are or you can stay anonymous if you want to "hide" but at any rate
Enjoy your Life ..............
Knit on!!!!!
I think it's beautiful, and I, for one, LOVE the color. I think it would look GORGEOUS on a baby w/ dark hair and eyes. BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Wow Penny...the sweater is just great and so is the color...Never let rude comments get you down...they are so not worth worrying did a fantastic job. Nell
I love it!! Thanks for giving us the visual....I'm going to keep the link for my next baby gift. As for the color, I think it rocks!
I LOVE the buttons as well. Where did you find them?
Anyone can post an Anonymous comment but it take a real person to post a comment using their actual Identy. I love the sweater and I am sure that it would be adorable on like a pair of jeans.
First off, you do not have to be a member of anything to post with your name. The anonymous leech is just one of those people who likes to suck the light out of a room. No manners to boot. If you don't like somemthing, fair enough but you have no business leaving mean spirited posts especially when one is too cowardly to identify oneself.
I actually like the colour, and have used something similar as a baby/toddler garment. You have done a great job, Penny.
I thought it was a perfectly cute sweater and there's nothing at all wrong with the color. Anonymous #1 should have learned when she was younger that if you can't say something nice ~say nothing at all! Wonder if she's teaching her kids to be as rude as she is. Merideth the Wolfmaid
Penny, I think your "nut" colored baby sweater is beautiful!! In fact, it looks very similar to the one I knitted for my neice's daughter and my other neice's daughter and my friend's son, etc. I am very shocked that "someone" (Anonymous #1) would be so unkind and rude to post such an ugly commment. Of course we don't all like the same colors, but why say it? I'm going to post the photos of my "nut" colored sweaters - just to lend support. Keep knitting (in any color you want!)
ok, so anonymous doesn't think much of the Who cares, right????? Personally, I prefer pastels but I can certainly appreciate a lovely knit in a "not so traditional" baby color!!!!!!!!!!!!! It may not be a color I would choose but does that make me right and you wrong, Penny? OF COURSE NOT!!!!! It's a matter of taste and preference! However, such unsolicited rudeness is totally ignorant! WHo asked anonymous anyway???? SHEESH! Some people have no sense of adventure! It looks fabulous Penny! Don't let the deadwood get you down! Oh, and BTW, she/he may not have a google account but if they're so self-righteous, why don't they come out with a name or blog addy???? Cause they are cowards, that's why! HMPF!
well i just love the sweater and i have a little girl i have her some sweaters with similar colors so. she just be so jealouse of the great job and COLOR u did . its absolutly wonderful...jen
I think the sweater is wonderful and I'm sorry that anonomous doesnt like the color but that is "her" problem not yours, I like it :). We knit things we like in colors we like and it doesnt really matter if anyone else likes it or not if we are satisfied with it. :) Dont let anyone's negative comments upset you, if you like it that is good enough. :) I guess her mother didnt teach her that if you dont have something nice to say then dont say anything at all. Personally, I would delete her comments, they were mean spirited.
I've been in the fashion industry for 15 years and shop high end stores for my babies. This sweater like many Penny knits would sell at a high price. This sweater is for people like myself who enjoy, respect and love nature and everything natural. This sweater represents well being and nature to me. Sorry if well being isn't everyones cup of tea. I wish it was!!
HI Penny,
I agree. It's a lovely sweater. It looks really soft,too. Nothing wrong with it at all.
My Mom said IF you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all. Maybe somebody else's Mom should have taught her that.
Wow I will make one also.
I think that anonymous was very rude to say all those things.
Penny you did a great job and remember what she said are just words and they can't hurt you.
Unfortunately we have people like that in our knitting world.
No wonder she didn't want to sign her name.
Keep up the great work in whatever color you choose as we love your work and color of your sweaters
Hugs and hope you have a wonderful blessed day.
Annette (annette2u)
this is my comment to the origional amonymous:
some of your comments were ok
but some/much of them were ignorant.
"disgrace to the knitting community?"
what ARE you talking about????!!!
what disgrace??? for me a disgrace would be behavior NOT color choice or even knitting/crocheting ability...
its called a color CHOICE, not a disgrace...penny,im liking the whole sweater...enuf to make me knit one
The knitting is wonderful and the colour is a matter of personal choice. Wouldn't it be a dull old world if we all liked the same thing? Anonymous is entitled to her opinion, but how I wish she'd learned manners and tolerance along with her knitting skills.
Keep knitting how YOU want Penny and ignore the ignoramous!
Hugs, Chris, UK (Phoebe5)
I love this little sweater, the pattern, the colour, beautifully knitted too,but then personally I've always valued my own opinion way above "fashion"!!
Re. your rude anonymous commentator, As my late great Aunt from Yorkshire (England) - who was a plain speaking woman herself (i.e. said what she thought) (but wasn't rude with it) - would have said: "it takes all sorts" and "there's nowt so queer as folks".
Knit on!
Ooooooh I love a good "Donnybrook"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK anonymous - who made you a member of the knitting police???? Come out of the knitting closet and tell us your name!! I'd love to have a look at YOUR blog - that is if you have one which I doubt!!
Penny dear the only"nut" that has anything wrong with it is the one who wrote the nasty comment - NOT the colour of your delightful baby sweater ! And by the way - you won't believe it - but someone gave me a half knitted sweater today to unravel and re-use - it is in a colour just a couple of tones darker than this - and guess what?? I am going to make this little sweater in it, AND some socks, AND a hat !!!!!!
Anonymous I think you are a twit - and you sound like a silly young thing to boot!
More power to your needles Penny - love ya!
You are anonymous but I will tell you I am rnlaughalot and the bible says to pride goeth before a fall so watch out because your pride is going to get you.
This lady's knitting is gorgeous and the colors are perfect. I have been knitting and crocheting for 30 years and have been making children's clothing for years.
My question to you is why do you think your opinion is that valuable? Are you in clothing retail?
Let everything that hath breathe praise the Lord!
I absolutely love the baby sweater. It wasn't until I went to leave a comment that I read about the baby sweater drama. Where are the manners? Goodness.
Anyway, I love the sweater. It reminds me of the Big Bad Baby Blanket from SnB. It was in neutral colors too, and that was what made it so special. Keep Knitting!!
Penny, it's a beautiful sweater and I think the yarn and colour looks lovely. I appreciate how you describe the yarns you use for the rest of us so we know what to expect. I also think the colour is awesome, very natural without being washed out and suitable for either a girl or boy. Lovely.
It's unfortunate that no matter where we go we will run into people who feel that giving their honest opinion is more important than consideration for others hard work and tastes. I am doubtful that she would be particularly gracious to have her hard work and excitement sullied by such "honesty". The reality is her use of the term honesty is only meant as an excuse for voicing her negative opinion.
Honesty is not an excuse for saying damaging things, it's about lovingly and gently telling people when you feel they are behaving badly/hurtfully and telling the truth when asked...not hurting others through the expression of a your own opinions just because you have the opportunity presented to you.
I just had to laugh.
I came to your blog to see the sweater...LOVE IT!!! I was thinking my little guy would look sweet in it with jeans and a red turtleneck. I SOOOOO want to knit one!
THEN...I read all the "anonymous" stuff and had to chuckle. I WANT THAT "DISSAPPOINTING" SWEATER!! :)
I think it is lovely. Well done!
Penny, it's a nice sweater and I know a lot of people who would buy a sweater like that because it is natural organic cotton and it is a perfect color to go with many other colors. There is a place in the options where you can choose to moderate the comments and you don't have to allow the comment to come through if you want. Honesty is a good thing and everyone has their own opinion, but it's not necessary for everyone to express their every thought and opinion. That commenter would have been kinder to keep on going without stopping to comment. Don't let one person spoil your joy!
I love your color choice!!! I have knit with Blue Sky Organic cotton and it was really nice and soft. I also love your color choice. One of the ladies I knit with made a baby blanket out of Blue Sky Organic color yarn with bright vibrant colors and it was so beautiful!! I wonder if I can make an adult version of the sweater in the same nut color.
Well done!! I agree with other comments that your sweater looks better than the picture on the pattern! Babies should be dressed in every possible color. I happen to love the "nut" color and all shades of brown.
THAT is a beautiful baby sweater, in a pretty color; one can get tired of pink, blue, and yellow. This is nice!
Auntie P, I love this color, wasnt I wearing a similar color last time I saw you? lol...the sweater is so cute too...xo
I love your little sweater and I love the color too!
What pattern did you use? I would love to make a seamless baby sweater.
Penny I love the color! I am personally tired of the same old fashioned attitudes of knitting baby things in the same old traditional colors. I just might make one for my nephew when I get finished with my other must finish projects.
Anonymous needs to get a life. Where's her/his blog? would be boring if you can't knit out of the box
Penny you were not rude at all for replying she/he was.
Not that you need my comments on the topic, but here they are anyway. It always fascinates me when I run into women who confuse being aggressive with assertive. Who confuse fact with opinion, and just don't get that their opinion is not really worth any more than anyone elses. Since WHEN does honesty demand causing another to loose face? It does not. Honesty does not demand the elevation of one person over another. I am not saying you cannot be honest regarding your opinion...but opinions are just opinions. They are not necessarily factual. I also must add, just because someone is young and "fashion conscious" doesn't necessarily make them experts on fashion. I am old enough to see some things that are supposed to be hip, trendy and fashionable that frankly are unappealing to there you have it. If your opinion wasnt hurtful to your knowledge, you wouldn't have to apologize after giving it. Best bet? Don't comment, no one is demanding anyone's evaluation of it anyway. Or if you must comment, say it isn't your style. That is an honest comment and not hurtful.
hi Penny,
the sweater is great, I also love the color.... everyone needs something in a neutral color, even babies! I think we sould all knit that same sweater and use the same color (as close as we can get) and then post our pics and see how great they all are! I'm sure each one would be unique, and it would be fun to see what buttons/closure we all used!!!
CareyMom in Wy
I Love your sweater, and on the right baby the colour will be beautiful. Not my grand baby, she is fair as fair and has blue eyes, so pinks blues mauves are hers for now, though when I think about it she has a mocha coloured pinafore (jumper?)that looks sweet, so maybe...?
I am working on a similar pattern for her right now in a pretty mid pink. It's here:
Keep up the great work!
Dear Miss (or Mrs.) Anonymous,
Fine, you don't like it. Fine you see no reason to be a "Yes person". Fine you may just have a great fashion sense, who who are we to say otherwise. But what I want to know is... What gives you the idea that you have the right to trash someone elses hard work? Penny likes it, and she's the one who knitted it, so if it makes HER happy, then who are you to tell her YOU don't like it? If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all! And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
P.S.... just because your not a member, or signed in, or whatever, doesn't mean you can't sign your name... or are you afraid to show who you really are? Hhhhmmm......
I LOVE your sweaters! They look very professional. The "nut" color one is "to die for"! I'd like to make one for my granddaughter in the same color. I am knitting my first sweater for my 22 month old granddaughter. Sure hope mine looks half as nice as yours does.
Maria Elena
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