What the heck is it ????? LOL
Sort of looks like a Cows Utters, huh
Well.. I am working on a blanket with different colors that are being knitted in together..( not seperate squares )....I was getting all tangeled up in the different skeins so I made smaller skeins... Still it was not working out to my likeing...
Soooooooo I made each one into a ball big enough for each square ( I hope ) ..Then I went to my dresser , pulled out a pair of pantyhose and cut 6 pieces... Tied a knot at one end and put each ball in its own "stocking " The balls are center pull so they just lenghten while I am knitting.. The yarn is "hugged" in the stocking so it dosn't unravel..... and they Behave so Much better this way!!!
Now I am knitting along Happier than a Pig in Poop!!!!!
great idea & you didn't have to buy yarn clams
Isabelle aka Tricotine
HA, ha, ha!!!! Now that is just darn ingenious of you Penny!!!! i always use the bobbins but they are so small!!!!! I think you've gotten on to something here! Thanks for the tip! Oh, and I love the scarf and the loopy sweater is just too cute!
lol!!! :)
A great way to use up old pantyhose. What a great idea!!
What a super idea! It took me about 10 years to do a pair of argyle socks back in the 50s and 60s and the bobbins were a pain. This is one of the best tips I have heard in a long time.
that is a GREAT idea!!
Excellent Penny! You know what they say, nessesity is the mother of invention!!
Look at all this cool stuff! You do nice work!
Another great use for those nasty torture devices called panty hose!
What a great idea, I normally wrap mine around clothes pins but I like this one better
You are just too too clever!
With a mind like that....
Watch out world.
that is such a cool idea... question is there a place online that can teach me to do a center pull ball? I WOULD LOVE to learn!
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