This is what happens when you leave a project on the needles for a year... gosh darn it...
See those little "uglies"
Later on I thought !!!!! " I should have uraveled the last 2 rows and reknit them and then those uglies would be GONE !!! Now its too late unless I undo the whole back... Look... It took me a year to get back to this and I only had a little bit of the back started... NOW you want me to undo it ??? Maybe I'll try dampening it and see what happens .. What do you think ????
Once you block it, it will look fine penny, dont worry!!! Dampen once done and let air dry and all the uglies will disappear!
Yeah, wet it, block it, and see if they leave - THEN if they don't - you may have to rippit.
BUT, that's not SUCH a big deal for the fastest knitter I know, right? You may have put it down for a year, but once you get to knittin' you fly like an eagle.
Next time you think a project will have a long nap put it on waste yarn. It will prevent the stitches from becoming to large.
Thanks for coming by my blog. My wrists are feeling better. I just need to slow down and I should be fine.
So, what happened after dampening?
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