I finally finished My Loopy Sweater which I started the back of it over a year ago.. This is the one which gave me a stitch marking problem on the back.. But I got it all fixed :)
The Loops are the things which drove me " Loopy" ... They just take time to make and I don't like to be " slowed down " when I am knitting :)
I have not had a chance to get the buttons yet but I m going for something plain.....
I don't remember who I started this sweater for but it will fit "Paige" pretty soon... Its a size 4-5 sweater and she is just over 3....
isn't it great that I have all different size Grandchildren so my works in progress usually fit one of them when I finally get around to completing it...
The sweater is lovely, I have a few that have started out intended for one child and ends up being for the younger one instead. They eventually all get finished.
This sweater is so beautiful..Can you tell me how I can get this pattern? I would love to gove it as a Christmas gift.....Thanks
What a cute sweater and a delicious color!
I also like the Loopy! I have always wondered... How do you make that? I thought it was a crochet stitch...
Isabelle aka Tricotine
So, what did you do for the mark in the back?
Wonderful sweater Penny. Glad you have grandkids in different sizes.
Love the sweater,. Is it your own design?
Would love to know where to get the pattern....please do share! It's an adorable sweater--perfect for little girls!
Ooops--forgot to leave my email address---it's dgoldston@hotmail.com
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