Lily Chin

Here we are at The Big Apple with Our Knitting Pal....Lily Chin..........
I have my hair in a pony tail so I look like I don't have any..... yikes.. Is That " ME"... LOL
Thats Dorethea and I with Lily... Gosh.... Lily is such a nice person....I had to bend down a bit because she is very petite....
The Knit - Crochet Out at Union Square was great... We walked and walked and browsed and browsed... There were knitting and crocheting demos and there were other knitting designers there.. Like Nicky Epstein who was knitting one of her beautiful flowers....
Her Books ......Knitting on The Edge and Off The Edge are Great Books for doing your own designing.....
I also met up with Linda and Jan from the knitlist . They are the authors of the book...
"The Knitting Way" .... I found them in the crowd by seeing their Tote Bag with the book name on it... :)
It was nice to meet ya Linda and Jan... :)
There were alot of crochet and knitting magazines and patterns and information being given away.. They gave away Clover Bamboo Knitting needles also! :)
Dorethea and I had a BIG Bag FULL of things to take home with us... And " YES" The darn bag was pretty heavy to carry around.... Boy......... what we do for Freebies !!!!! he he
We had a quick Lunch at Mac Donalds...... mostly it was good to sit our Butts down and take a load off our aching feet!!!!
Then we took a walk to a Knit Shop which was very crowded and very expensive... needless to say.. " We did not make any big purchases there" :)
Then we walked back to Union Square and stopped at Bon'aton??? or something like that.. I forget the name of the place... Anywayit was another pit stop andthere we had some tea and some YUMMY scones!!!!
We then looked around some more.. Watched the Scarf contest ( Some really Pretty and Cute Scarves were entered)
and we also watched The Fashion Show.....
.......Which was a Doggie Fashion Show..... each little and big canine marched around in their fancy knitwear.... LOL.. hummmmm.... I forget Who was The Best Dressed... :)
After all those hours that we put in pouncing on our OWN "puppies"....
It was time to " Hail a Cab" back to Penn Station...
We enjoyed the ride home and did our own little demonstration of knitting with the Free needles that we got ....
So Now Is The Time For This Tired Knitter ...............To Put her feet up on the couch and look thru all this Knitting and Crocheting Literature that I Lugged around all afternoon!!!
Nitey Nite!!!! See you all Tomorrow !!