The pattern is from The Book Natural Knits for Babies and Moms.....
I used a Caron Yarn that changes the shades of color. I tried to get the sleeves to sort of change in about the same places so they would matching. One sleeve looks wider than the other in the photo but its not... I guess its just the way I shaped it when I "posed" it for the picture :)
The yarn is really so Soft!!! I LOVE soft !!!
You are truly one of the fastest knitters I've ever seen!! When DO you have time to do this all? Please email me at mjswaim(at) & let me know the secret. And if you've tried the Magic Fruit Cobbler recipe yet!;)
You have been tagged. See my blog (at wordpress) for details.
Lordie.... it must be your birthday cause I tagged you also. love karen
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