What the heck is it ????? LOL
Sort of looks like a Cows Utters, huh
Well.. I am working on a blanket with different colors that are being knitted in together..( not seperate squares )....I was getting all tangeled up in the different skeins so I made smaller skeins... Still it was not working out to my likeing...
Soooooooo I made each one into a ball big enough for each square ( I hope ) ..Then I went to my dresser , pulled out a pair of pantyhose and cut 6 pieces... Tied a knot at one end and put each ball in its own "stocking " The balls are center pull so they just lenghten while I am knitting.. The yarn is "hugged" in the stocking so it dosn't unravel..... and they Behave so Much better this way!!!
Now I am knitting along Happier than a Pig in Poop!!!!!