This is My " Snug As A Bug In A Rug" Sweater :)
While I was knitting this all I kept thinking of was Snug as a Bug in a Rug.. The yarn looked so much like a rug...
But when I finished it... I REALLY loved it.. Its so SOFT and Snuggly !!!!
Its amazing what a few skeins of puffy soft yarn can turn into..... :)
Aaawww... Another cute one!
I cannot wait to see little Penny in those cozy sweaters!
You Sweetie GrandMa! :)
That is a beautiful sweater! Very nice job!
Absolutely gorgeous!
AWWWW! SOOOOOO adorable Penny! She will look like a snuggly little teddy bear! I love it!
Sooooo cute!!
I think I am going to stop making sweaters and you can make them for me ... the sweater is BEAUTIFUL!
I just want to squish it! What a beautiful cozy sweater. Once again, you prove to be the knitting guru.
I can imagine that the sweater is really warm, cozy because it's so cute!
OMG! This is soooooooo CUTE! You did a wonderful job on it:) I love it.
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