Let The Games Begin !!!!
Hooray The Olympics are here....
Tomorrow we will Begin Our Challenge !!!
Light The Flame and Click those Needles...
Knitters of the Universe... Start those Turbos.....
For those of you who are not familiar with Our Olympics....
When they light the Flame tomorrow ... all the Knitters will cast on and begin a project...
We are to knit.. knit.. knit........ for the length of the Olympics... February 10th to the 26th..
We are to FINISH the Project which we have choosen to make for this Challenge..
It is the evening before and I still do not know which pattern to choose !!!
Oh.. The Pressure is getting me already...LOL
I KNOW that I am going to make a cardigan for " ME"... but I can not decide between three designs.... I do know what Yarn I am using... It is a Sirdar Aran... very nice and soft..
PERFECT for ME !!! :)
Well.. Maybe while I sleep it will come to me in a vision and tomorrow I will have my sweater started !!!!
As you can see... I am Knitting on the Knitting Chicks Team...
There sure are alot of us " Chicks with Sticks "
So all you Knitters.... Get Ready .. Set... Go......................... :)
I hope we all complete Our Projects!!!
Good Luck !!!!!