So... Now My Sweater Rush is over and its time to do some Fun Knitting... yippee!!!!
The Grandkids Loved their sweater and said that they all fit... So Thats A " Good Thing"....
Now I am working on some baby Sweaters again... That is my Very Favorite thing to knit... I like them because they are small and get done quickly and I love to try different ideas out with them..
I am working on one now that was pretty frustraiting at first because it was such tedious knitting... sort of fairisle... But now I am to the easier part.
I'm doing a Lattice stitch on it and its an interesting pattern... I'll wait a while until I get most of it done before I post a photo... OK :)
Then there are a million other projects floating around in my Head that I just HAVE to start soon...
Well.. Going to get some of my knitting done now... ...
Hummmmmmmmmm...Lets see now....... Its Less Than 12 Months until CHRISTMAS....
Time is a Tickin.........Better Get those Needles Clicking!!!! :)