The weather is getting much better now.. The humidity has dropped down lots!!! Thank Goodness.. It has been such a HOT Summer...
After having my coffee and bacon and eggs and toast this morning which I am NOT supposed to eat.... But " Hey " Ya Know.. Once in a while we have to treat ourselves :)
Well.. Anyway I decided to Get Out a bit and take a ride to My LYS in Amityville... Its a small quaint little shop and I like to chat with Karen ..the owner ! But .. No No.. Not today.. The shop was closed.. Darn it.. She must have gone on a few days vacation !! Some nerve, huh....LOL
So it saved me some money afterall !!! On the way down the step a lady went to the door and I told her it was closed.. " Oh No" Exclaimed the Lady with a worrisome look on her face!!!! :)
Are you a knitter ?.. " she asked.... Yes I am!!!! Yes I am... LOL
She pulled out her knitted and told me she was going there for some help as she is a New Knitter.. She did not know which side to pick up stitches for the buttonband on the sweater.. OK That was an EASY one !!! She was so " Happy" to continue on with her First baby Sweater!!!
Then I proceeded to go to Dottys Yarn Shop.. I did not plan on buying yarn ... ha .. Oh Yea!!! Sure!!!
So I ended up "browsing" for about an hour before I could not resist the temptation that the yarn was putting on me.. Gosh.. It just kept bouncing in my basket until I finally HAD to say.. OK Ok You WIN... You are coming Home with me!!! So $ 35.00.. lighter.. I left the store!!!
HoooHUmmmmmmm.. So much for NOT adding to my Stash!!!!
But it sure did feel GOOD!!! *grin*
Then I went further on down the block to JoAnns.. There I bought some green velvet that I need to line a frame for my Wedding Doiley that I made for my niece...
I had some yarn in my hand and this time I did resist and I put it back.. Bought the velvet and went down the road for a slice of white pizza and a coke..!!
It was a Very Good Day!!!