I 'm back to doing some reading again... It seems that it goes in spirts... I'll read books one after the other and then all of a sudden I stop reading for a while...
Well... I am Happy to Report that I finished reading The Kite Runner....The Kitchen Gods Wife by Amy Tan and Not A Sparrow Falls...and another one of which I have forgotten the name already!!!!
They were all very different books .. But the one that I read the fastest and really enjoyed was Not A Sparrow Falls by Linda Nichols... While reading this book I could not wait to read more every day..
It was like watching a movie to me... And the end made me bring out the box of tissues but it was a good ending!!! Give it a try if you see the book...
I also picked up The Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edwards which I will start right away because I saw last night that the Movie is coming on TV in a few weeks... So I want to read the book first!!!!I think that the books are always better than the Movie.. Don't ya think???
Memoirs of A Geisha by Arther Golden... I started reading this one in the car today after I bought it while waiting for Hubby and it caught my interest right away.. But I have to read the other one first !!!!
And Jodi Picoult... The Pact.... She is a very interesting writer so I'm sure this one will be good also...
I read Vanished by her and it was good !!!
P.S. The best part is that I but all my Books at the Thrift Stores for 50 cents or 1.00 !!!!
I prefer to buy them because when I take them out of the Library.. I feel "Pressured" to hurry up and read it....and How can you resit such buys.. Then I always pass the Book on to someone else!!!!