This Sweater I made for My Gramdaughter Natalies Communion... I used Sirdar # 4177 for it.. My only change was that I made it short sleeved...
Actually I made three Sleeves .... grrrrrrrrrrrrr.... After I sewed the sweater together I noticed that one sleeve was a different White... Darn those Dye Lots !!!!!
So... Even tho I hate doing sleeves.... This time I had to de THREE of them....
Lesson Learned....... Always Check Dye Lot!!!!!
Cute sweater.
I learned the dye lot lesson last year on a pair of socks. In the right light, it is VERY obvious.
Lovely! Did you use a pattern?
Love this sweater! I also learned the dye lot lesson. I also learned the hard way that even though there is no dye lot on some yarns that there is a difference in them if you purchase them years apart. Lesson learned!
This one and the Grass Green...beautiful!
As usual beautiful work. I love the sweater . So soft looking
Penny, good choice! And, nice work!!
Glad I'm not the only one with some Blogger problems. Natalie's sweater is beautiful. Dye lots are painful!
Cute sweater.
You are not the only person out in blogger land who is having issues with Blogger.
Penny, that is beautiful, I love the design!!
Lovely! What pattern did you use? I'm looking for something like this for my daughter.
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