I was " Tagged" by Whit last week and now I finally got to answering the questions...
So here you go Whit !!!!
My Favorite Needle......
Hummm???? I like different needles for different things...
The Denise I love the feel of and use them for alot of my projects BUT now for cotton yarn.. They "stick" to much ...
Then I love the addi and the inox circulars for everything..
I use the bambbo needles alot too..
So My Favorite you ask????? I gues its All Of The Above !!!
Worst Thing I ever Knitted????
Oh Come on now... Its All Good :)
My Most Favorite Pattern?
I would have to say the pattern whch is probably My Favorite is the Hoodie Cardi from Mary Goodwins ... One Piece Knits.... I have made so many of those sweaters and they are so great to use and create new ideas for each one... Thats actually my Favorite Book also!
Most Valuable Knitting Technique ??
Gee... I have to think about this one ???????
I just don't know???? But there must be something....
My Favorite Knitwear Designer??
This is another tough one to answer.... I do like so many.....
OK.. Since I can't really think of just one... I am going to say Lily Chin because I met her in New York :).. Actually I loved the top she was wearing and will be in her next line...
Best Knit Book or Magazine ?
My Favorite Knitting magazine is Family Circle Easy Knitting because the patterns are simple and easy to "wear"... Some magazines have patterns that are just too much "Fashion" for me...
I like Interweave Knits also and I like Vogue too.. and I love the Drops Books.....
My Favorite Knit Blog ???
I would have to say " Check My Sidebar" for that because I have soo Many !
The Knit Item I wear The Most/use The most?
( How about a picture of it)
That would have to be my Homespun Poncho.. Its so Soft and Light.......................
And my Green Shawl too .......... The green shawl I am wearing at My Nieces Wedding which is here on my blog...
Well.. That does it.... I answered My Tag!!!