Thursday, June 21, 2007

HERE SHE IS................................. SAMANTHA !!!!!!! My Number Six Grandchild !!!!
Isn't she just TOO CUTE!!!!

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Crazy Knitting Fool said...

Oh my goodness she is way to precious for words!ongrats grammie.

handknit168 said...

Wa, you have six grandchild. happy, happy, happy ...

Diane said...

What a beautiful baby. Congrats Grandma Penny.

Lucy said...

Congratulations....what an adorable little sweetheart!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Penny. She is very cute.

Anonymous said...

She's adorable!! Congratulations!! Give her lots and lots of snuggles!!

JustApril said...

How cute is she?! SO CUTE, oh my goodness! So itty bitty and sweet. **sniff sniff**

Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet! But that stripey outfit makes me think of a wee convict, lol!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! She is so cute! :-)